
Patience... really?

So... patience. When I think of patience I like to think of the teacher me and the personal me. As a teacher I feel that I am very patient. Not too many people can tie 20 pairs of shoes, zip 20 coats, and smile the whole time. In my classroom I need patience, and I feel that it is a quality that comes easy to me. I wonder why this doesn't flow into my personal life.

In my personal life I am not patient AT ALL! I'm the kind of person that has to read the last chapter of a book first. Really... I do that all that time. I just need to know what's going to happen! I can't wait for it. I also like knowing what's going to happen all the time... I don't like surprises... or at least I don't like waiting for them. I have zero patience!

You may wonder why I'm thinking about patience... well, this morning I was doing my devotions and it was all on being patient... maybe God's trying to teach me something (as always)! Anyway, I read Acts 1:1-4. In verse four Jesus says, "Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about." Hmmm... WAIT, huh? The disciples are instructed by Jesus to wait for the Holy Spirit. Jesus gives them what they need, but they have to wait for it. I feel that Jesus does the same with me... (even though I don't want to admit it) He has great blessings to give me, but I need to wait for them... I just need to be patient... I just need to be patient... I just need to be patient... I'll keep working on it... :)


Bossy... Me... Really?

So I was informed by one of my students that I'm bossy! This made me start to wonder, "Am I bossy?" Should I believe a five year old? Hmmmm...

What I love about teaching Kindergarten is that my students are so honest with me. They inform me when I'm having a bad hair day and they tell me when my red vest I'm wearing looks like a life jacket (both of which have really happened). But they also tell me that they love my shoes and that I sing pretty.

I love their honesty in life. They aren't afraid to be bold and tell the truth about what they think on different topics. And so often they pretend to be me! Most Kindergarten students love to pretend being their teacher, and mine love to pretend they are me. Watching them being me is sometimes scary... what qualities in me do they act out?

Knowing that they want to be me while they are playing really makes me think about my words and actions during the day. I want them to know me as kind person... AND NOT BOSSY! This is why it probably made me so concerned when one of them said that to me! I don't' want them to leave Kindergarten knowing me as bossy and not kind! Sort of got me thinking of my words and actions throughout the day... trying to be kind in all that I do.

Now, not to justify this situation... maybe I really am bossy and it took a five-year-old to make me realize that (something that I'm working on), but I do have to tell my students what to do and this one student doesn't always like that... hmmmmm is she just used to getting her way, or am I really bossy?

Anyway..... as I spend my day trying not to be so bossy, you can spend your day thinking about what it would look like if a five-year-old pretended to be you? How would they act you out? Really makes you think, huh?


It was a dark and stormy night...

Actually it isn't dark, stormy, or even night time. For my first entry on my blog I thought I should write something to draw everyone in, and isn't that sentence something that usually works?

I guess I'll try again then... It is a cold, sunny, afternoon, and I'm wondering what I should write for my first post on my blog sight. Should it be insightful, funny, or all about me? Not really sure.

Anyway, I'm new to this "blogging" world, but pretty excited to see what it has in store for me. It seems like a great way to state my thoughts, no matter how random, for everyone to read... and believe me, my thoughts can get pretty random... :)